Services for Lynda Renei Beekhuizen, 26, of Tracy and formerly of Knoxville, who
died July 19, 1985 at Iowa Methodist Medical Center in Des Moines of injuries suffered
in an automobile accident, were held July 22 at Williams Funeral Home.
was in Graceland Cemetery. Revs. K. Wayne Hoehns and Isaac Meuzelaar officiated
at the services. Music was provided by Dawn McKay, organist. Pallbearers were Kevin
Arkema, Wilbur Kelderman, Don Rose, Dan Toll, Kenny VandenBerg, and Arvin VanderLinden.
Mrs. Beekhuizen was born on Nov. 2, 1958 in Knoxville, the daughter of Jack and
Beverly Arkema Sterling. A graduate of Knoxville High School, she had been active
in volleyball and other sports.
On Oct. 6, 1984, she married Bern Beekhuizen. She
was employed by Contel in Knoxville and was a member of Knoxville First United Methodist
She is survived by her husband; her parents; two brothers, Mark of Altoona
and Mike of Elkhorn, Neb.; grandparents, Madge Sterling and Helen Arkema, both of
Knoxville; father and mother-in-law, John and Leona Beekhuizen; and many other relatives.
A memorial has been established to the Christian Opportunity Center in Pella.