Merle Hill

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Merle Hill7/24/1998
Memorial services for Reverend D. Merle Hill, 78, or Gulf Breeze, Fla., formerly
of Marion County, who died July 24, at his home, were held July 28, 1998, in the
Chapel of the Gulf Breeze United Methodist Church. Dr. Herb Sadler and the Rev.
Dritty Rucker officiated at the services.

Reverend hill was a retired minister of the United Methodist Church. He served 39
years as the pastor of 20 congregations in Iowa, Ohio and Georgia.

He was a summa cum laude graduate of Parsons College and Asbury Theological Seminary.

He was preceed in death by his parents, Clyde and Nettie Hill; and a brother, Vernon.

He is survived by his wife, V. June Lindley Hill; a son, Donald of Tallahassee,
Fla.; two daughters, Irene Raymond of Greenville, Ill., and Jerene Berkeley, of
Seattle, Wash.; and five grandchildren.

Memorials may be made to the Family Center Building Fund of the Gulf Breeze United
Methodist Church, 75 Fairpoint Dr., Gulf Breeze, Fl, 32561.

Arrangements were made by Martin Funeral Home, 2942 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, Gulf Breeze,