Janet Wares

Return to Class of 1964

Janet Wares02/07/1967
Funeral services for Mrs. Janet Lea (Wares) Young, 21, of Des Moines, Former Knoxville resident, who died at Sedalia, Missouri, on Monday, February 6, 1967, from head injuries suffered in a two—car accident on Highway 65, about 11 miles north of Sedalia on Sunday, will be held from ByBee and Davis Funeral Home, Knoxville at 2:00 PM, February 9th.

Rev. Bruce Barabee will officiate at the services and interment will be in Lincoln Cemetery.

Mrs. Young, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wares, was born January 21, 1946 and graduated from Knoxville High School in 1964.
and was united in marriage to Dennis W. Young on August 19, 1966.

Her husband, Dennis Young, is in the Army and stationed at Fort Leonard-wood, Missouri. He is a native of Des Moines.

Mrs. Young was driving and her parents were passengers. Mrs. Wares suffered cuts and a fractured chest bone and was transferred Monday from a Sedalia hospital to Collins Memorial Hospital here. Mr. Wares suffered fractured ribs but was not hospitalized.