Services for Dennis Ray Greenlee, 32, of Hutto, Tx. and formerly of Knoxville, who died Nov. 3, 1984 in an accident in Williamson County near Roundrock, Tx., were held Nov. 7 at Williams Funeral Home.
Interment was in Graceland Cemetery.
Rev. K. Wayne Hoehns officiated at the services. Music was provided by Darlene Mooberry, organist. Pallbearers were Joe Brown, Bob Buttrey, Mike Griffin, Mike Stanley, Steve Stanley, and Mike Williams.
Mr. Greenlee was born on April 1, 1952 in Cedar Falls, the son of Dick and Viola Nelson Greenlee. He was a 1970 graduate of Knoxville High
School and had completed one year of college in Ames.
He was a construction worker and carpenter and enjoyed handcrafting furniture and gardening.
He was confirmed in the Knoxville Lutheran Church. On Oct. 13, 1984 he married Mary Rowland Snodgrass.
He was preceded in death by two grandfathers.<br He is survived by his wife; one son, Ryan Kyle of Livermore, Cal.; three stepchildren, Paul, Jeremiah and Sarah; his father, Dick of Laramie, Wy.; his mother, Viola Smith of Chariton; five sisters,
Diane Hall of Kansas City, Mo., Linda Navo of Maybelle, Col., Brenda Adamovicz of Frankfurt, Germany, and Debra Greenlee of Cedar Falls; two brothers, Steve of Roundrock, Tx