Ralph Frost

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Ralph Frost7/10/1963
Funeral services for Ralph L. Frost, who died July 10 at Collins Memorial hospital
were held July 13 from Evans Arlington chapel with Rev. William Travis officiating.

Burial was in Graceland cemetery. I.O.O.F. Lodge 90 held services at the chap. and
Baty-Tucker Post No. 168, American Legion accorded miliary honors at the cemetery.

Casketbearers were Ed VandeKamp, Forrest Cobble, Wilbur Fee, Raymond Jones, Raymond
Smith and Ernest LeMay. Mrs. Pearl Jeffers, organist accompanied Raymond Glenn,
Ralph Hedrick, Myron Welch and Wyatt Welch.

Ralph Lyman, son of Ernest Everett and Eva Lyman Frost, was born Sept. 23, 1912
at Knoxville. He was a graduate of Knoxville high school and attended Missouri Academy
at Mexico, Mo.

He was associated with his father in a service station until his father's death
in 1962.

He was a member of the Presbyterian church, Knoxville Odd Fellow Lodge No. 90, Knoxville
Encampment No. 87, Canton Knoxville No. 45 and Baty-Tucker Post No. 168, American

He is survived by his mother; four aunts, Mrs. Alice Harscher, Kansas City, Mo.,
Mrs. Lessie Morgan, Orange, Tex., Mrs. Margaret Wren, Des Moines and Mrs. Esther
Maddy, Ottumwa and one uncle Tom Frost of Colfax.