Robert B. Hayes aged 37 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hayes, of Knoxville, was killed in a jet bomber crash, Monday afternoon, when a B-47 jet bomber exploded shortly after take-off on a routine training mission from the Whiteman Air Force Base Mo. Cause of crash has not yet been determined.
Captain Hayes the aircraft commander when the jet bomber crashed on a farm home, at approximately 3:22 p.m., about three minutes after take-off from the Whiteman runway, about five miles north of LaMonte. Mo., near Sedalia.
Captain Hayes had a long and eventful career with the air force. He was promoted to the rank of captain. January 16, 1951. Just prior to that he attended an air tactical school for officers at the Tyndall Air Force Base, Fla., from May 8, to August,22, 1950.
Captain Hayes served two years overseas on Okinawa and then attended another school at Ellington Air Force base, Tex.
The home of Captain Hayes has been at Warrensburg, Mo., where his widow lives. Besides he widow and son, he is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Hayes, of Knoxville, and a sister, Mrs. Van Fast of Knoxville. The son, Robert Hayes, is aged 16 Years and lives with his grand-parents in Knoxville.
Three other men lost their lives in the crash of the jet bomber: they were Captain James P. Gianokos, 36, Pilot of the plane, of Warrensburg, Ma.; Lieutenant Jack L. Peters, 27, who is single and lives at the air force base.
The fourth man, Captain Frank J. Matuszewski 35, lives in Warrensburg, Mo. A board of officers has been appointed to determine the cause of the crash.
Military service was held for all four of the crash victims at 4 p.m., yesterday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hayes, Robert Hayes, Jr.. and Mrs. Ferne Reynolds, of Knoxville, attended the services.
Funeral services for Captain Hayes will be held Friday afternoon, at 1 o'clock from the Warrensburg Missouri Methodist church, and Interment will be made in the Military cemetery, at Fort Leavenworth, Kans..
Memorial services will be held at the First Methodist Church in Knoxville. Sunday afternoon. at 2 o'clock, conducted by Rev. M. D. Summerbell and Rev. F. V. Dieterlch assisted by the Baty-Tucker Post 168 of the American Legion.