Richard Wilson

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Richard Wilson05/11/1982
Services for Richard Don Wilson, 49, who died May 11 at Pella Comm. Hospital were held May 4 at the Apostolic Church. Williams Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.
Interment was in Graceland Cemetary.

Rev. John Allard officiated at the services. Music was provided by Patricia Brown, organist, and Terry Bennett, Shelly Bennett, and Sheryl Velie, vocolists.
Pallbearers were Paul Bennett, Neal Bennett, Kenny DeZwarte, Wendell Robinson, Dick Sterling, Jack Sterling, Joe Velie, and Clifford Zeck.

Mr. Wilson was born December 31, 1933, at Knoxville, the son of William C. and Madeline Wilson.

He married Charlotte Krebbs of Minnesota on July 2, 1954. To this union four children were born.

He was preceded in death by his father, William C. Wilson.

He is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Tom (Debbie) Velie Knoxville, and Mrs. Leonard (Linda) Geery, Harvey; two sons, David, of Knoxville, and Bill of Austin, Texas; and two grandchildren, Cori and Tab.