Graveside services for Mary Jane (VanHemert) Dreibelbeis, 51, of West Liberty and formerly of
Knoxville, who died Jan. 17, 1987 at her home, were held Jan. 19 at Graceland Cemetery
with Rev. K. Wayne Hoehns officiating. Snider Funeral Home in West Liberty was in
charge of arrangements.
Pallbearers were James and Michael Dreibelbeis, John 0.
and John M. Kamerick, Logan Steen, and Tom Myers.
Mrs. Dreibelbeis was born Aug.
3, 1935 at Pella, the daughter of Neal and Margaret Risewick Van Hemert. She was
a 1953 graduate of Knoxville High School.
On June 20, 1953, she married James Dreibelbeis
at Knoxville. Graduating from the University of Iowa in 1973 with a degree in busines
education, she taught at Muscatine High School for several years, retiring in 1983.
Living in West Liberty the past 27 years, she was a member of Chapter BJ. of TTT
and Chapter A.H. of P.E.O. She was a past officer of the Iowa Business Education
Association and a member of Cie Muscatine County Republican Women's Association.
She was preceded in death by her parents and one brother, James. She is survived
by her husband; one son, Michael of Des Moines; four sisters, Carolyn Kamerick,
Linda Rankin, and Brenda Beaver, all of Knoxville, and Neala Heggen of Des Moines;
and one sister-in-law, Joan Comito of Des Moines.