Louise Adair

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Louise Adair01/16/1943
Helen Louise Adair, daughter of Robert Oral and Helen Harrington Adair, was born
near Harvey, Marion county, January 18, 1925, and died at the Collins Memorial
hospital, in Knoxville, January 16, 1943, two days before her eighteenth birthday.
Her sudden death resulted from acute appendicitis.

The deceased received her education at the Eureka and the McMillan country schools, and at the Knoxville high school, from which she graduated in the class of 1942.

On June 21, 1942, the deceased was united in marriage to Paul Edwin Holdsworth, of Harvey, and shared with him the joy and happiness of these few months of life together.

Paul was called into army service on January 5. going to Camp Dodge for basic training.width= Last week he was transferred to Fort Riley in Kansas and had only arrived there when he received the sad news of the sudden death of his beloved young wife. In her infancy, Louise was baptized in the M. E. Church at Harvey.

On July 3, 1938, she received confirmation of baptismal vows into the membership of the Plymouth church, transferring her membership to the Presbyterian church at Knoxville on Easter Sunday, 1939. Her sterling character, high ideals, and friendliness won her many friends among the young people.