Jim Bankus

Return to Class of 1955

Jim Bankus04/12/1983
Services for James Hamilton Bankus, 46, who died April 12, 1983 in the Veterans
Hospital in Muskogee, Ok., was held on April 16 at EvansMcCleery Funeral Home.

was in Graceland Cemetery. Military Honors were accorded by Baty-Tucker Post 168,
American Legion and John Myers Post 3519, V.F.W. Rev. Wayne Hoehns officiated at
the services. Music was provided by Merrill Womack.

Pallbearers were Larry Hodges,
Gordon Hayes, Roger Ide, Steve Lewis, Dean Cleveland, and John Bankus. Honorary pallbearers
were Rich Bailey, Fred Bankus, and Bill Ridlen.

Mr. Bankus was born Feb. 4, 1937
in West Helena, Ark., the son of W.O. (Breeze) and Catherine Bankus. He attended
school in Knoxville, graduating in 1955. He served in the Army in Korea from 1959
to 1961.

He was married to Judith Peavey on April 28, 1962, in Barrington, Ill. In
1963 he was graduated from-Parsons College in Fairfield, Ia. He lived in the Barrington
area for 17 years where he was a sales representative for several major Chicago and
East Coast companies.

He has lived in Tulsa, Ok. for the past three years. He was
active in sports during high school, college, and in the service where he was on
the All-Army football team. He coached Little League Baseball and Youth League Football.

He is survived by his father of Knoxville; his mother, Catherine Tullis of Juneau,
Alaska; his wife of Barrington; two daughters, Mrs. Robert (Marcy) Kelsey and Laurie
of Barrington; two grandchildren; two brothers, Jack and Harry Tullis of Juneau;
and one sister, Mrs. Raymond (Kathleen) Smith of Knoxville.