Harold Chrismore

Return to Class of 1929

Harold Chrismore06/15/1966
Funeral services for Harold Marcelius Chrismore, who died June 15, 1966 at Collins Memorial
hospital, were held June 18 from Monroe, Methodist Church with Rev. James V. Poulsen

Burial was in Silent City Cemetery with Williams funeral home in charge.
Casketbearers were Abe Synhorst, Kenneth Nedderman, Edward Nedderman, Jack Onstank,
Howard Hunt and Lowell Johnson. Mrs. John LeGrand., organist. accompanied Mrs.
William Lewis, soloist. Flower committee was Mrs. Leonard Dawson and Mrs. Abe Synhorst.

Harold Marcelius, son of Pearl N. and Mamie Flanders Chrismore. was born Oct. 7,
1911 in Marion county. He attended Round Grove school and graduated from Knoxville
high school in 1929.

On Dec. 24, 1933, he was united in marriage to Mildred Steele
at Knoxville. A lifelong member of the Methodist church, he had been active in the
church and Sunday School at Olive Chapel, Knoxville and Monroe. He was a charter
member of Methodist Men’s club and was currently a member of the board of trustees
at Monroe.

He had farmed until moving to Monroe in 1960 and had been an employee
of the Maytag Company for 11 years prior to retiring March 1. He served as leader
of Friendly Fellows 4-h club, was a substitute rural mail carrier and had a Sunday
paper route for 14 years. Surviving is his wife Mildred; son Paul of Newton; an
adopted daughter, Launa Kay, at home; four grandchildren; and his mother Mrs. Mamie
Chrismore, Knoxville.