Dolores Elaine Mathes was born October 27, 1938, in a country home near Galesburg, Iowa to Clifford Mathes and Grace Bertha (Kamerick) Mathes.
Clifford Mathes, being a hired man moved often, thus Dolores attended various country schools, Springfield, Springhill, and New Albany. And graduated from Knoxville High School.
Dolores met Robert when Reformed Church began a church in Knoxville in the old Women’s Club building, where Robert was Sunday School superintendent and Dolores was pianist. They were married May 28, 1956, in Dolores’s parents home. They share cropped farmed first near Columbia, Iowa, then moved and share cropped near the Eureka Cemetery. Obeying God’s call, they left farm life in January 1962, training 3 years in Grace Bible College in Omaha Nebraska, then two years with New Tribes Mission in Wisconsin, before moving to Brazil in May 1967, where Robert served in various places, always with the goal of reaching the Urubu/Ka’apor with the gospel. They returned to Pella in November 1995 with the goal of spending time with parents, and establishing a permanent U.S. address for grandkids.
God blessed them with seven children who were obedient to God’s call on their lives.
Dolores permanent plea before God in life was, “God, if you cannot use me to reach the lost, then make of me the type of mother so each of my descendants can hear your call to take my place.”
Robert celebrated victory on this earth on April 10, 2019. Son Rodger was promoted to glory December 13, 1984, son Robert Daniel arrived in heaven April 28, 2024, and granddaughter Rachel April 10, 1987. A son-in-law David Hanna entered heaven December 2016, and sister-in-law Mae Mathes in March 2023. Those remaining on earth are five children, 36 grandchildren, 73 great grandchildren, one brother, Richard Mathes, one sister RoseMarie (and David) Briggs.
Rev. Rodney & Ruth Schuring
Rev. Phillip & Beatriz Schuring
Andrew Schuring
Keyla & Rev. Guy Burkhead
Michael, Hailah, Serina & Levi Burkhead
Kathy and Andrew Jarvis
Gabriel, Sharlotte, Natalie & Benjamin Jarvis
(Rev. Rodger-deceased) LuAnn & Mark Stoddard
Garrett & Melissa (Schuring) Staten
Eliana & Rodger Staten
Scott (Schuring) & AJ Stoddard
Zoe, Aaron, Sarah & Nathaniel Stoddard
Benjamin (Schuring) & Megan Stoddard
Natalie, Caleb, Coen & Eleanor Stoddard
(Rev. Daniel-deceased) & Marcy Schuring
Sharon & Rev. Stefan Kern,
Cohen, Christian, Wesley & Alexandra Kern
Tessa Angelo & Barrett Otis
Ellen, Cody, Chase & Finnley Angelo
Daniel & Emily Schuring
Eliana, Atlas, Zion & Soli Schuring
Rev. Jason & Kristyna Schuring
Myla & Cade Schuring
Joy Schuring & Scott Speers
Hunter, Hailey & Waverly Speers
Denitta (David-deceased) & Hanna
Denise & Karl Herrick,
Chesley & Kaden Herrick
Dieneke & Rev. Jared Henderson
Carolyn, Henry, Reese, Ivy, Steven & Titus Henderson
Deanna & Gratchen Grison
Gabriel, Jeremiah, Obadiah, Haniel, Uriah & Manoah Grison
Derrick & Samantha Hanna
Ariella, Zaria & Diana Hanna
Robbie Hanna
Delorah & Josiah Neufeld
Greyson & Reverie Neufeld
Rev. Reuben & Lydia Schuring (Rachel)
Rebekah & Paul Lemaire
Leah Schuring
Sarah & Jonathan Thyng
Tyler, Rachel, Michael, Matthew & Evalyn Thyng
Jason & Bethany Schuring Link
Ian, Peter, Gracelynn & Sophia Link
Rev. Russell & Rebekah Schuring
Jed, Janaiza, & Jared Schuring
Jesse & Samantha Schuring
Garrett & Priscila Schuring
Zoe, Joshua & Caleb Schuring
Jaalah & Luke Kanagy
Janessa & RJ Borja
Rojelio, Jeilani, Rokaio & Rozaiel Borja
Jacinda & Austin Davis
Angelina, Zander & Elliana Davis
Jayme & Levi Baldwin
DuAnne & Rev. Kevin TerLouw
Samara, Regina & Michael TerLouw
J’San Draco Berger TerLouw
The Memorial fund for Dolores Elaine Schuring will be for student housing at the school for training missionaries in Brazil.
Centro de Treinamento Missionario Shekinah (CTMS).
The gift can be dropped of at Garden Chapel Funeral Home or be sent to
Ethnos 360, 312 West First St., Sanford, Fl, 32771-1231.
If writing a check make it out to Ethnos 360 and in the memo: Dolores Schuring Memorial.