Bonnie Jean (Jones) Chambers was born January 28, 1922.
She died June 28, 1984. Services were June 30, 1984 at Williams Funeral Home in Knoxville, Iowa. Clergyman Rev. K. Wayne Hoehns.
Interment Graceland Cemetery.
Memorials to the Methodist Church Radio Fund. Casketearers were Grant Core, Glenn Robuck, Leland Roberts, Paul DeVore, Jim Butenbach & Howard DeZwarte.
Music by Darlene Mooberry, Organist.
Songs were "In the Garden" & "How Great Thou Art".
Services for Bonnie Jean Chambers, 62, of Knoxville, who died June 28, 1984 at Knoxville Area Commtmity Hospital, were held June 30 at Williams Funeral Home.
Interment was in Graceland Cemetery.
Rev. K. Wayne Hoehns officiate the services. Music was provided :by Darlene Mooberry, organist.
Pallbearers were Grant Core, Glenn Robuck, Leland Roberts, Paul DeVore, Jim Butenbach, and Howard DeZwarte.
Mrs. Chambers was born on Jan. 28, 1922 in Marion County, The daughter of Raymond Merle and Mable Marie Bush Jones.
She married Don Chambers on July 9, 1945.
She worked for many years. At Knoxville Area Community Hospital and farmed.
She was a long time member of the First United Methodist Church.
She was preceded in death by her father.
She is survived bf her husband; three sons, Tim and Brian of Knoxville, and Bruce of Melcher; one granddaughter; her mother, of Knoxville; and :her mother-in-law, Mrs. Fred Chambers, of Knoxville.
A memorial has been established to the Methodist Church Radio Fund.