Obituary has been translated from German :
In the event of accident, we have taken our love.
Claudia Buhmann Born Dec. 4, 1982 Died Nov 6, 2011
We will never forget our Claudi.
In love and deepest sadness: Martha and Heribert Beatrix and Tobias Theresia and Ernst Kahl all relatives and friends.
The funeral service followed by the urn burial takes place on 18 November 2011, at 1 pm on the Tannwaldfriedhof in Welzheim.
A condolence book lies on. Instead of flowers we ask, in the sense of Claudia, for a donation for needy children: Sternstunden e.V.
We help children.
Bayerische LB, account 60 51 000 (bank code 700 500 00), password “Claudi”.