Robert Klootwyk

Return to Class of 1966

Robert Klootwyk08/08/1967
Marine Lance Corporal Robert Ivan Klootwyk, 18, was killed in combat in Vietnam on Aug. 8, 1967, according to the notification received by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Klootwyk, here last week.

The information indicated that Klootwyk died of a sniper bullet wound in the abdomen suffered in fighting near Hue Phu Bai.
A graduate of Knoxville High School in the Class of 1966, he had been in Vietnam for 2 months and at the time of his death was a member of Company G, 2nd Battalion, 4th Marines.

Funeral services for Lance Corporal Robert Klootwyk, who was killed by hostile sniper fire in the vicinity of Phu Bai, Vietnam, on August 8, 1967, were held August 21 from Knoxville First Methodist Church with Rev, Lawrence B. Beals officiating.

The burial was in Graceland Cemetery under the auspices of the United States Marine Corps. Members of the Marine Corps served as casket bearers. Other officers in charge were Major J. A. Schumacher, casualty as assistance officer; M/Sgt. G. P. Hool, N. C. O .I. C. military honors; and L/Cpl. Max Thomas, escort. Mrs. Wayne Sutherland, the organist, accompanied Mrs. Leon Miller, the soloist. Flowers were arranged by Mrs. John Burnett and Mrs. Charles Smith.

Robert Ivan, son of Robert and Darlene McVay Klootwyk, was born on Sept. 20, 1948, in Oskaloosa.
Robert Klootwyk
He graduated from Knoxville high school in 1966 and joined the Marine Corps in Sept. 1966. Upon completion of basic training at Camp Pendleton, he was transferred to West Language Institute at Monterey for 12 weeks and landed in Vietnam on June 18 of this year. He was an active member of the Methodist Church.

Surviving is his parents; two sisters, Lila Jean and Freda Darlene; and his grandmother, Mrs. Ethel Klootwyk.

Services are pending at Williams Funeral Home Here.